It’s Farmers’ Market season and they are open and ready to share their local products with all of us. I love visiting farmers’ markets and even roadside vegetable stands to pickup some great local faire for my family.
So far this year, I have attended the Waukesha Farmers’ Market, and plan to visit others throughout summer. I will say that they have put some great social distancing guidelines in place, such as walking in a clockwise direction, hand sanitizer stations, no samples of food, and the vendors will package the goods you select so people aren’t touching everything.

My husband and I have visited the market twice and usually go with a plan. However, we usually end up with an extra item or two to bring home. In just our two stops we purchased all our garden vegetable plants, homemade salsa, lettuce (yes, it’s really better at the market), and cheese. In addition, you can find soaps, lotions, coffee, live music, sweets, food ready to eat, meat, flowers, and so much more. Each week there seems to be something new to see or additional produce available as the seasons change.
Here is a list of the Waukesha County Farmers’ Markets days, times, and locations:
Waukesha Farmers’ Market – Saturdays 8 am – noon; St. Paul & Madison St.
Brookfield Farmers Market – Saturdays 7:30 am – noon; Brookfield Central High School
Delafield Farmers Market – Saturdays 8 am – 1 pm; Main St. & Dopkins St.
Dousman Farmers Market – Wednesdays 2 – 6 pm; Dousman Village Hall Lot
Eagle Farmers Market – Every other Monday (beginning June 24) 4 – 6 pm; Eagle Municipal Building Lot
Hartland Farmers Market – Sundays (Beginning July 5) 10 am – 1 pm; Municipal Lot off Pawling Ave.
Menomonee Falls Farmers Market – Wednesdays 2 – 6 pm; Village Park Tennis Court Lot
Mukwonago Farmers’ Market – Wednesdays 2 – 6 pm; Field Park
New Berlin Farmer’s Market – Saturdays 8 am – 12 pm; 15055 W. National Ave
Oconomowoc Farmers Market – Saturdays 8 am – noon; Bank Five Nine Campus Lot
Sussex Farmer’s Market – Sundays (beginning July 12) 10 am – 1 pm; Sussex Civic Center Plaza

Sarah Appleton
Hi! I’m Sarah, 38, and have lived in Waukesha for over 10 years. My husband has two tweenage daughters, Violet and Samantha, and they live with us half the time. We also have my son Cameron, just turned one, who is my whole world. We have a rescue pup, Letty, who is an Alabama Designer dog–an Australian Sheperd/Catahoula/who-knows-what-else mix. She keeps us on our toes, wanting food and attention all the time. Being a new mom to Cameron and an insta-mom to the girls brings joys and challenges, but I am soaking in every minute because kids are only kids for so long. I love Waukesha and have my own blog about my experiences in the area. When I’m not out and about in the city, I’m enjoying time with my friends grilling out, drinking wine, and playing games—Uno is one of our faves. Or I’m in my kitchen trying new recipes or recreating ones I have had at local restaurants to share on my Sundays with Sarah
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