
The 6 Month “Deal” Bundle


Please send us an email to info {at] to start your large ad 6 month bundle.



Sponsored blog post


Sponsor / Advertise With The Lake Country Mom:

The Lake Country Mom is a community-based/hyper-local website and mom / parenting lifestyle blog. The focus is to assist its readers with events and craft ideas, we also invite our readers to explore new places & locate local events with our extensive event calendar that is updated daily. We exclusively focus on Southeastern Wisconsin area businesses and happenings to create a ‘go-to’ guide for our readers. With this in mind, the daily traffic and interaction between our readers has grown substantially since its inception in July of 2013.

Advertising On Our Lake Country Event Blog:

As long as it’s appropriate for our audience and engages our readers; we can work with any company, event or website.  We are currently offering sponsorship on the right sidebar of the blog’s home page and will be offering future spots throughout the website as we grow. We currently receive thousands of hits per month & have a large following which creates exposure for any business or upcoming activity.  We are also heavily active in various social media and sponsor our pages for growth utilizing Facebook campaigns to drive traffic to our website.

Our sponsors & advertisers have expressed their joy and satisfaction with the traffic and recognition they receive from The Lake Country Mom. Plainly, a great way to advertise to our particular demographic. Please review below to learn more or use our contact form to reach out to discuss. We would love for you to advertise and share in our success as you increase your overall web traffic!

“There’s plenty of research to back up the potential power of mommy bloggers. Mothers (our number one reader) are estimated to be responsible for $2.1 trillion of U.S. consumer spending, controlling about 80 percent of household expenditures, according to BSM Media. They’re also active online: 87 percent use the Web regularly, per comScore. What’s more, 60 percent of their online conversations — the type of discussions also heard at playgrounds everywhere — include a mention of brands or products, according to a study done last year by BabyCenter and Keller Fay Group.” (see more on this study HERE)


Requirements & Options:

Provide a jpeg image / logo for us to feature within the ad space. If you require an ad created, we have an excellent “in-house” graphic designer that can assist you for an additional fee. Once the ad has been reviewed for placement, we will require a proper URL / web address the ad should redirect to for paid / site sponsored traffic.



The 6 Month “DEAL” Bundle | See price below



Sponsored blog post

300 px X 250 px Ad + 1 sponsored blog post: buy 5 months, get 6th month free
Includes all listed above under ad space + sponsored blog post.

Original price $720, DEAL Price: Buy 5 months $95, get one FREE, plus get included sponsored blog post: $550

SAVE $170! 

Featured sponsored blog post to showcase your business, product, event, review or service. You provide the information & (3-4) photos and associated links to your website and social media outlets. The blog post will be on The Lake Country Mom website and will be shared on social media such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest when appropriate, at least once. This is your chance to share any information on your business such as; location, what you have to offer, how to find you, promotions, sales, let the readers know about your product or service and more. The possibilities are endless.

Blog post will comply with FTC guidelines using full disclosure.

Example: “This is a sponsored post that contains affiliate links. I received compensation in exchange for writing this review. Although this post is sponsored, all opinions are my own.”


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