Hello to my Adult Ballerinas!
I wanted to send you a note just in case you didn’t see (on Facebook) that we are adding a weekday adult ballet class (starting 11/1) on Tuesdays at 6:00pm. These classes will be taught by our newest ballet teacher Katie! She is really excited about teaching the weekday adult ballet class as ballet conditioning is one of her favorite things! You will reap the benefits and now have the opportunity to take TWO classes a week – which is a great way to achieve the results you get with adult ballet!

I also know that we are getting close to the end of Soccer Season -so I hope that we can get some of you back into the Saturday morning class at 7:45am.
Few reminders:
- Saving your spot online is important. We need at least four students signed up for the class in order for us to run it. We will likely “make the call” at about 4:00pm on the day of the Tuesday class whether or not we will hold it that evening. Yes, it is designed to be a drop in – but if we don’t know you are coming and we do cancel – I would hate for you to make the trip for nothing. So, PLEASE save your spot online. The only way I can notify you of a cancellation (emergency or enrollment reasons) is if you sign up. It is pretty easy, once you have done it – it remembers you and you don’t have to fill in a bunch of info.
- We do require notice if you have to cancel. You can cancel your spot the same way you reserved it or you can send me an email (info@petitepasballet.com). For the Tuesday 6pm class the cut off time is 4:00pm. If you cancel after 4pm, you will still get a punch on your card. If you are not a punch card holder – we will have to charge you a fee at your next class. For the Saturday class, my cut off would be 6am Saturday morning. I am pretty flexible and understand extenuating circumstances!
Incentive time! Couple of ways we can do this:
1. Bring a friend and they pay only $5 to dance with you (new students only)! This is a great way for them to try the class (and hopefully sign up again because they LOVE IT)!
2. IF the friend you bring gets a virtual punch card (for 10 classes) you will get THREE FREE classes! So, if you are a punch card holder – that is three extra classes added to your virtual card!
I won’t limit or expire this offer either.
It is such a great work out and we really want to get the word out! People may be less afraid of the “unknown” if they do it with a friend. The addiction comes naturally once they actually try it!
Hope to see you in class tomorrow or at our first Tuesday class (11/1)!
The link to sign up is HERE!
OOOH, before I forget – the new shoe line I carry at the studio also has adult sizes. I don’t have “samples” to try on for adults but I can help you select the correct size based on their sizing charts. If you need a pair of ballet shoes, please know that I now carry them at the studio.
Petite Pas Ballet School is located in the heart of downtown Delafield at 524 Milwaukee St, Set 204 • Delafield, Wisconsin. Visit their WEBSITE + FOLLOW on Facebook!
See you soon! XO!

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