It is March– but you do have until April to get your taxes done. Do you do them yourself? Do you struggle to try file your own taxes online? Do you fear what you should write off? How you can save money? Do you wonder what to do to get the best refund? Do you worry that you will owe too much? Oh, the stress.

Whether it is personal or business taxes; we have got you covered.
Let us tell you about Wendy with Lake Country Accounting. She is the most genuine, kind person-but she knows her stuff, and knows it well. She is a tax time treasure. She knows the ins and outs of all things taxes. She answers the hard questions, the confusing questions. She knows what forms to use, what to file.
She is organized and meticulous. She is practically infamous in the lake country area. I swear, someone you know already uses her. Just ask around.
You can learn more about Wendy Mahaney, CPA President and Lake Country Accounting on their Facebook page.
Lake Country Accounting also specializes in bookkeeping, accounting, payroll + business advice.
Call (262) 468-4207
Located at:
1815 Executive Dr, Ste 2
Oconomowoc, Wisconsin
“I have used Wendy for many years for both personal and business reasons. She is truly a gem, and tell everyone about her!”
-Rachel Reed, The lake country mom
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