
Sponsor / Advertise with The Lake Country Mom

The Lake Country Mom is a community-based/hyper-local website and mom / parenting lifestyle blog. The focus is to assist its readers with events and help support and stimulate local business, we also invite our readers to explore new places & locate local events with our extensive event calendar that is updated daily. We exclusively focus on Southeastern Wisconsin area businesses and happenings to create a ‘go-to’ guide for our readers. With this in mind, the daily traffic and interaction between our readers has grown substantially since its inception in July of 2013.


Advertising On Our Lake Country Event Blog:

 As long as it’s appropriate for our audience and engages our readers; we can work with any company, large or small, event, etc.  We are currently offering ad space on the blog’s home page and event calendar. We currently receive thousands of hits per month & have a large following which creates exposure for any business or upcoming activity.  We are also heavily active in various social media and sponsor our pages for growth utilizing social media campaigns to drive traffic to our website/blog. 

Our reach goes beyond this blog, beyond our social media outlets. We have an amazing team of bloggers, made up of incredible women. Each one with a niche, different careers, involved with different clubs, each involved in our collective communities. What we do is talk about what we love and what we are working on, what we believe in. Our team makes up a large circle of influence + this is what we strive for.

Our sponsors & advertisers have expressed their joy and satisfaction with the traffic and recognition they receive from The Lake Country Mom. Plainly, a great way to advertise to our particular demographic. Please review below to learn more or use our contact form to reach out to discuss. We would love for you to advertise and share in our success as you increase your overall web traffic!

Take it from the testimonials:

  • The Lake Country Mom took my classes from an average of 3 kids to 15 kids!
  • This was the best investment for my shop, what a powerful platform you have over there!
  • Moms of lake country know where to go when they are looking for a recommendation, that’s The Lake Country Mom!
  • I was trying so hard to get the word out about my event, I tried everything, then I hired The Lake Country Mom team-WOW! Thank you so so much!
  • The power of influence they say. This is what The Lake Country Mom has done for us.
  • The talent, the passion, the heart of lake country. The Lake Country Mom knows how to help us small businesses out. 

“There’s plenty of research to back up the potential power of mommy bloggers. Mothers (our number one reader) are estimated to be responsible for $2.1 trillion of U.S. consumer spending, controlling about 80 percent of household expenditures, according to BSM Media. They’re also active online: 87 percent use the Web regularly, per comScore. What’s more, 60 percent of their online conversations — the type of discussions also heard at playgrounds everywhere — include a mention of brands or products, according to a study done last year by BabyCenter and Keller Fay Group.” (see more on this study HERE. 




Thank-you! We are so excited to collaborate with you!

If you are looking for ad space, event promotion, help in sharing your product, service or store, we have so many options!



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