
Have you heard of Zion Lutheran Church & School in Hartland?

Zion Lutheran Church & School has been a part of the Hartland and Lake
Country communities for over 150 years. Zion is a Christ-centered,
biblical, and sacramental church. We cherish the Bible as God’s Word
and take its words at face value. We cherish God’s gifts of
forgiveness and grace given through baptism and the Lord Supper. We
worship on Sundays, 10:30am at our school building (1023 E Capitol Dr,
Hartland 53029). Throughout the week, our school gives children a
comprehensive and excellent education rooted in, founded on, and
constantly intersecting with the teachings of Christ. We teach
children to find their resiliency in the unshakeable, unbreakable
promise of Jesus’ forgiveness for all sins and the sure hope of life
everlasting through faith in him.

Zion Lutheran Church & School is a church whose members put their
trust explicitly in the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ.
Therefore, Zion is a Biblical, Sacramental, and Historic church where
we promise to connect you with salvation, truth, and beauty. You can
learn more about our foundational beliefs on our website.

Our beliefs lead to action. At Zion we are dedicated to building a
local community that is strong, interconnected, and supportive of one
another. The people at Zion care for one another like family.
or old friends. 

We would love to welcome you to our weekly worship service and we
would be delighted if you wanted to seek church membership through our
Bible Basics class.

Zion Lutheran School is a key part of Zion’s passion to build and
strengthen our local community. Zion Lutheran School serves families
with children from PreK through 8th grade and is accredited with
WELSSA (Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod School Accreditation) and
the National Private School Council. Zion has achieved an “Exemplary
Level” rating and provides the best possible academic, social, and
extracurricular environment for children. Parents sending their
children to Zion can feel absolutely confident that Zion will attend
to the individual strengths and needs of each student and help them
achieve their personal best.

One of the best ways to get to know Zion Lutheran School is in our
Time for Tots program. Parents (or other caregivers) with children from infancy through age five are invited to come once a week and bring their
children to enjoy playtime, a Bible story, a craft, and snack. Our
Time for Tots sessions run Sep – Dec and Jan – Apr and you sign up to
come either Tuesdays or Thursdays.

Wherever you are in life, our pastors, Benjamin Steenbock and Stephen
Ristow, are happy to talk with you and can be easily reached through
our website’s contact page.

Get in touch with us and get connected with the forgiveness, peace,
and divine strength found only in Jesus.

Events, here are some regular things we do, stay tuned for more!

* Weekly Worship:
 Sundays, 10:30am at 1023 E Capitol Dr, Hartland, WI 53029

* Time for Tots (Fall/Winter):
 Tuesdays & Thursdays, 9:00am – 10:30am, Sep 15 – Dec 10 at 1023 E Capitol Dr, Hartland, WI 53029

* Time for Tots (Winter/Spring):
 Tuesdays & Thursdays, 9:00am – 10:30am, Jan 19 – Apr 29 at 1023 E Capitol    Dr, Hartland, WI 53029

We’re available on Facebook  and on Instagram

Disclosure: Although this is sponsored blog post, meaning The Lake Country Mom was compensated to promote this post, we will only post about businesses and services we trust. We will always do our best to promote a wide variety of community offerings on our site. If you would like to work with The Lake Country Mom, see our sponsorship page for further details.

We love you, Lake Country!

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