I don’t know about you, but life is crazy right now! The kids are at home, vacations are cancelled, maybe you are working from home or scrambling to find someone to watch the kiddos so you can go to work-for the rest of the school year! Gahhh! We are all on high alert for the unknown.
We thought it would be kinda fun to create some templates for your to print at your own home to help coordinate the chaos!
Feel free to download, completely free, save and print at home!

Meet the founder of The Lake Country Mom
Rachel Reed

Hello! I started this blog as a hobby in 2013, and it has surpassed all of my dreams and more ever since. I never imagined I would need help from other amazing women. I was delighted to bring in strong, supportive, encouraging women each with a different passion, writing style, background as a full team of contributing bloggers. Thank you for supporting our dreams + mission.
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