
Creating Work-Life Balance

Creating work-life balance. That’s the dream, right? To create freedom in your personal and business life. 

To be able to wake up and choose how you spend the day. Whether that’s working with your clients when you want, or just going to the zoo with your kids on a beautiful day!

So, how do you get there?

Believing you can get there is the first step. If you’re already thinking that’s not something attainable for you, you’re already blocking your brain from figuring out ways to make it a success for you. I have two little kids with another on the way. I want to be able to spend as much time with them as possible. I want to take a maternity leave that I want, not what a job tells me I can do. 

I’ve been blessed to be able to create the maternity leave of my choice with both of my kids as well as the new one. I’ve taken off as much time as I wanted without having to worry about not making money. 

I fully believe I’m able to take off and not disturb my career or my clients. 
That’s gives me the opportunity to create the how. Because my how will probably look different than yours. We’re two different people living completely different lives but we both want the same thing. 

Work-life balance. 

And I’m sure we even have a different definition of what that looks like. 
That’s the beauty of it. You get to create from your heart for what you want. 
Then you can start figuring out how from there. Who will be watching the kids, how many hours do you want to work, when do you want to start working, what do you want to start working on?

Both of my maternity leaves have looked different from each other and this one will also look different. Mainly because I don’t have an 8,000 sq ft facility with 12 employees anymore! It amazes me still to this day I was able to sell my first business. 

Now I get to be even more flexible with my maternity leave and have even less stress because I’m not worrying about what’s going on there. 
I was able to create the work-life that I desperately wanted because that’s what I decided I wanted to do. And that reason is reason enough to change your life, just because you want to. You don’t owe an explanation to anyone, you just need to be true to your own heart. 

When you’re true to your own heart, believe that you’re able to create the life you want, you’re able to create the work-life balance of your dreams. 
Work hard to get there. Figure out each step along the way and commit to your goal. Maybe you can’t leave your 9-5 now but you can in 6 months. Let’s do it. Find out what you would need to do in order to achieve that goal and start working towards it today. 

I promise the only thing that will hold you back is fear. Fear of the unknown, fear of taking this risk, but all that fear is something you’re creating. It’s okay the fear is there but keep working despite it. 
Even when your brain is telling you it’s not worth it and you’ll never be able to achieve it. Push past that fear because I’m here to tell you, that is not the truth. You ARE able to create the life you want. You ARE able to be with your kids more and work less while still making money. It’s all possible for you, you are capable, you are worthy, and you are enough just as you are.

For more insight on work-life balance listen to the Self Coaching for Success podcast episode number 16 wherever you love listening to your podcasts. 
If you want to take this work further, let’s get coffee! (spoiler alert, I don’t drink coffee but love donuts 😉 We can chat about what you want to create and how you can start taking action now to get there. 
I’m so excited to hear about the future you’re going to create. 

All my love,
Melissa Etzler, The Life Coach for women in business who want to master their productivity and get more done.

Melissa Etzler 

I’m Melissa Etzler, a mom of two, wife, and life coach. I help you with all the things, because there’s a lot. Especially when running your own business, and being a mom, and also being a wife. I show you how to live your life with purpose and meaning from the inside out. I’ve been an entrepreneur for seven years and I absolutely love being a life coach. The transformation from self doubt to self worth is something I feel blessed to be able to contribute to the community and beyond, because it will literally change your life. In my spare time I love volunteering for the community and am the president of Wood Violet Animal Rescue a local non profit. I know what it’s like to want more from life and am excited to share with all of you how to achieve your dreams and live your life with true meaning. Podcast / Website Instagram

We love you, Lake Country!

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