
Brewer’s Organics | Local Organic Produce + More | Save 50%

Did you or your family make a resolution this new year to eat healthier, to eat more home cooked meals, or even just try to be healthier all around? You can meet all of those plus support a local Wisconsin business. Really? Yes, really. Brewer’s Organics is all about making organic and natural food more accessible and affordable, all while helping local businesses thrive! If you know anything about The Lake Country Mom, then you understand why we were so excited to partner with Brewer’s Organics. They are everything we stand for.

Brewer's Organics

Let’s make it easy, why Brewer’s Organics?

  • Delivers customized organic produce year-round, working with local farmers during the growing season
  • Local family owned Wisconsin business
  • Delivers directly to your home (or office) and you don’t need to be home to receive the delivery.  They will leave it anywhere but preferably in a cooler!
  • Swap/exchange any produce you don’t want in your box so you only get what you like-this is amazing!
  • Tons of add-ons from local WI businesses: Cheese, butter, meat, eggs, honey, coffee, tea, chocolate, popcorn, salad dressing, Outpost Co-Op Bulk Goods, etc..
  • No hidden fees – no delivery fee, no fee to join, cancel or hold orders — No kidding!
  • Perfect for the New Year – Eating healthy, supporting local businesses, having more time to cook or spend with family, trying new creative recipes (they have new recipes each week in their newsletter)

Brewer's Organics

More about Brewer’s Organics:

“Brewers Organics is the premier organic produce delivery service based out of Milwaukee. We currently serve Southeast Wisconsin, Madison, and the Fox Cities, but we continue to grow and add new communities. We believe in connecting families with good, organic fruits and veggies and believe there should be an option to ‘conventional’ chemical covered produce.

Our mission is to make organic veggies accessible to everyone and to give as much back to the community as possible! We donate produce weekly and support local charities and food banks- and we even go beyond fruits & veggies! Our customers help us give back by leaving out an ‘item of the week’ that a local charity is in need of, and we help by contributing.

We believe that eating is more than just providing fuel for life- we think it’s about eating good food with good people. Our society has been accelerated to a point where most people have lost contact with just how important our food chain is. We think that supporting our neighbors, promoting local business, and realizing that there are families whose life goal is to grow delicious, organic produce is a step in the right direction.

We hope you’ll join us in our mission, and help make this world a better place, one box at a time.”

Brewer's Organics

How does it work?

What are the Organic Produce Box options?

<<< SAVE 50% on your very first box! >>>

Brewer's Organics in Milwaukee, WI • The Lake Country Mom


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Visit their WEBSITE



Disclosure: Although this is a sponsored blog post, and The Lake Country Mom was compensated to write this post, all opinions are our own. We would only write about businesses we love and would use in our own family. 

We love you, Lake Country!

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