
Is your kiddo ready for preschool? | Oconomowoc Nursery School

WELCOME! At Oconomowoc Nursery School, we believe that children learn much of what they need to know through play balanced with academics. The school provides an environment where a sense of wonder can flourish and where order and predictability are balanced by flexibility and freedom to experiment with social skills learned at your child’s comfort level. 

Oconomowoc Nursery School is a nonprofit, nonsectarian, nondiscrimination cooperative preschool licensed by the State of Wisconsin.  We are maintained by our parents and administered by a Board of Directors selected from the school membership.  Today at Oconomowoc Nursery School we have two degreed teachers and approximately 65 families.   

Our small class sizes and nurturing teaching style enriches early childhood development through guidance and social interaction.  We offer classes for 2 1/2K and 3K students!
ONS will be hosting an open house to allow people interested in our 2 1/2K and 3K programs for the 2016-17 school year to tour our classroom.


Enrollment for the 2016-17 school year begins for current families attending ONS on Monday, January 11th at 9am. Registration will open to the public Friday, January 15th at 9am. We are expecting our classes to fill up again next year so please reserve your spot early to ensure your children get to experience this wonderful introduction to learning!

 <<< Class offering for 2016-17 >>>
2 1/2 K – Friday 8:30am-10:30am
3K – Mon/Wed 9am-1130am
3K – Tue/Thurs 9am-1130am
3K – Tue/Thur 12:30pm-3pm (new class option)

3K – all 3K children will have the option to attend our Friday enrichment class from 10:45am-1pm. This class is limited to the first 21 students to choose this option from the three 3K classes.

Oconomowoc Nursery School • The Lake Country Mom

Please visit their website for more information.


Oconomowoc Nursery School on FACEBOOK

Located at N60 W35980 Lake Drive, Oconomowoc, WI 53066


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Disclosure: Although this is a sponsored blog post, and The Lake Country Mom was paid to write this blog post, all opinions are our own, and would only refer you to businesses we would use in our own family.

We love you, Lake Country!


  1. Sarah Zimdars says

    My youngest child is currently a student at Oconomowoc Nursery School. To say he loves school is an understatement! The teachers and staff are top notch and the facility has everything a little kid could desire. We also sent our older daughter there . ONS is a perfect combination of learning and playing and I recommend it to everyone I know! 🙂

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