But then the next thing I knew, I was off-balance, stepping backward, and then water was over my head. I had a quick freakout moment that I was in the water and “was I going to be ok?” I truly don’t know exactly what happened when I fell, but now I had the task of trying to collect myself and get back on. I grabbed the paddle, plopped it on the board, and tried to conjure up a plan to get back on.
Be the Friend That Shows Up
I was in the middle of a Christmas party last year when I started having contractions. I was only 30 weeks along and I was terrified. Per the on-call doctor’s […]
MOMCATIONS: The Importance of Girlfriends and Getaways When You’re a Mom
“Female friendships that work are relationships in which women help each other belong to themselves.” ~ Louise Bernikow