
12 Tips On How To Keep Your House Clean Without Really Trying

I, by no means, am an expert or consider my own home to be the super tidy model home that we were referring to above, but my sister does jokingly call my house “the museum” and I do take pride in keeping a mostly clean, tidy, and organized home. Now that I am a mom of an 18-month-old, a furry dog baby named Henry Ford and pregnant with number two, I have learned some tricks to help me stay on top of housekeeping without a huge, concerted effort. I also consulted with other moms whose homes I revere as spotless to see what hacks they leverage to share with you (and to steal personally). 

How to cope with parent guilt: 3 things to keep in mind

No two children—or families—are the same. Trust yourself to know what yours needs and make decisions accordingly. Your feelings might change with time, so celebrate the experiences you’re offering yourself and your children right now, and don’t forget to find joy in the miracle of your unique child.

Creating Work-Life Balance

Believing you can get there is the first step. If you’re already thinking that’s not something attainable for you, you’re already blocking your brain from figuring out ways to make it a success for you. I have two little kids with another on the way. I want to be able to spend as much time with them as possible. I want to take a maternity leave that I want, not what a job tells me I can do.

“Your child has cancer.” // How to play an active role in the future.

Take a moment and imagine your life. For most of us it consists of slight ups and downs, then some bigger peaks and valleys here and there but for the […]

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