
The Uh-Oh! Box- Creative Parenting

The Uh-Oh! Box- Creative Parenting How many times day do you tell or yell at your child to put something away? A few, a dozen, a ton? I know with my eight-year old daughter I am constantly reminding her to pick-up her things or put something away after use. I […]

25 Healthy Snacks for Kids

25 Healthy Snacks for Kids Kids are always hungry. Isn’t it true? Before meals, between meals, after meals. Whenever you allow your child to have a snack, wouldn’t it be great to have a go-to list for healthy snacks for kids? Well, here you go. I found 25 healthy snacks […]

Back to School Time-A Smooth Start

Back to School Time-A Smooth Start So it is just about that time-Back to School Time, that is! Some go back in August, others after Labor Day. Either way…it’s time. Some of us parents are saying “Yeah!” others are dreading the rustle and bustle of daily school life. I am […]

Critter Crunch Recipe

For my daughter’s birthday I found this great idea online after looking for snack-mix ideas! But, seriously how fun is this? I adore the name-Critter Crunch-featuring little bears, goldfish, animal crackers and more! I love the idea on how to display it too-great for parties, for friends coming over, play-dates, […]

Trick or Treat Safety Tips

Trick or Treat Safety Tips With trick or treating and Halloween right around the corner-we have came across these great tips thanks to Haunted Wisconsin. Never trick-or-treat alone. Have at least two friends go with you. Plan your entire route and make sure your family knows what it is. Carry […]

Who is The Lake Country Mom?

I have been hearing all about The Lake Country Mom. What is it? Who is she? Where can I find her? Well, I am The Lake Country Mom. My name is Rachel. I live in lake country (Hartland.) I adore everything about these communities and their sense of hometown pride. […]

Our Favorite Lake Country Beaches

Our Favorite Lake Country Beaches Beach Hours (Open June 1 to Mid-Aug, 2013): 11 a.m. – 7 p.m.  Daily Fees: County Park entrance fees are $3.00 on weekdays and $5.00 on weekends/holidays. Beach use is included in the park entrance fee. Annual park entrance stickers are available for $27.00 for county residents, […]

Chill. 6 Ways to Unwind & Decrease Stress

Read a book. Now when I say book, I do not mean Charlie goes to the Museum. I mean indulge in a good book (for grown-ups)-let it involve love, mystery, lust, big dreams.Use it to escape reality. Take a bath. Warm or hot, add bubbles, lots of them. Heck, light […]

Think You Have to Be Like All the Other Moms? Think Again.

Think You Have to Be Like All the Other Moms? Think Again. Getting up early, making breakfast, taking a rushed shower (if you’re lucky,) making phone calls, driving around your kids, packing lunches, running errands, cleaning bathrooms, going to work, making dinner…STOP. Go play. Play? Yes, I said play. Be a […]

Branches of a Tree-Four Generations of Women

“Our family is like the branches of a tree. We may grow in different directions, yet our roots remain as one.” With each passing year, another generation is born, another one may pass on. It’s incredible to see the differences in each generation, isn’t it? The women in my family are incredible, and […]

Lunchbox Love-Free Printables

Lunchbox Love-Free Printables One of my very favorite things to do for my daughter is write her a love note for her lunch box at school every single day. She saves them too. I thought I would create some free printables for you to print & cut out so you […]

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